Friday, March 11, 2011

Kappa Sigma Email "Targets" Women

by Nikki Allair

Clearly, feminism is still needed in this world. No matter what one person tells me, I will always stand beside my feminist ideals and especially during times like these.

Recently, the USC Kappa Sigma fraternity sent out an e-mail explaining how to target women as sexual conquests. Women in this context aren't real humans. If you think I'm joking or going overboard, read the e-mail that was sent out. The fraternity brother has been quoted as saying, “Note: I will refer to females as "targets". They aren't actual people like us men. Consequently, giving them a certain name or distinction is pointless.” He doesn't even give her vagina any credit (even though that's the only part these fraternity brothers should care about, right?). He calls it a “pie”. Something to be eaten, to be bought, to have brought to you, to be served to.

The woman clearly has no agency and has no part that is even remotely female (not even her title). She is placed in a ranking system by comparison to celebrities who are airbrushed. If a brother gets even close to this he “should be lynched”. Lynching is something that is racially charged and was a tactic used to scare other African Americans in the deep south from pursuing any avenue that deals with getting ahead in life. It was used by white supremacists. This shouldn't be something taken lightly or joked about.

Cheating seems to be something that is taken lightly with these men. What if someone they deeply cared about (say a 7 or better known as “wife material”) cheated on them? Oh but they're men … they can take it like they dish it out, right?

Another thing not to joke about is rape. Rape is such an emotionally charged word and one that can affect not just women in particular, but also men.

Non-consent and rape are two different things. There is a fine line, so make sure not to cross it.” Let's get one thing clear; not receiving consent for a sexual act one is about to commit is rape. Don't think that just because she's too drunk, too drugged out, or is too scared to actually say no means that the person can move forward without asking for consent. Consent needs to be coherent and it needs to be sober.

The descriptions of the “pies” here are not only racist, but also very creepy. If someone were to describe me (and particularly my vagina) by a type of pastry, I would be very freaked out. I don't want anyone eating my vagina like a piece of desert. It doesn't taste like pie so don't treat it like that. Treat it like you're supposed to – with respect.

This idiot also thought that it was smart to tell his fraternity brothers to not “fuck middle-eastern targets. Exhibit some patriotism and have some pride. You want your cock smelling like falafel? Filth.” I keep thinking we're past this specific racist ideology, but I guess not. Racism like this leaves a gross taste in my mouth. I have no other words other than that … they can speak for themselves.

Luckily the authorities at USC have described this as “repulsive”, “ridiculous”, and “insulting”. These words can't even begin depict my facial expression while reading this e-mail.

It sucks that all that I know about fraternities is negative press. They really need to get back to their foundations and start regulating those who are ruining the image of fraternities and the Greek system in general. 

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